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Indiana Occupational Therapy Association

School Based OT Networking Session

  • Tuesday, February 06, 2024
  • 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Registration is closed

School Based OT Networking Session

CYSIS Virtual Event

Tuesday, February 6 from 7:30-8:30pm EST

Cost: Free to IOTA members, $10 for non-members 


This event will provide a brief overview of relevant issues related to School Based OT Practice at the state and national level. Angela Vaughn (Indiana Department of Education) will be joining us to share information about education in the State of Indiana. CYSIS member Linda Kinkade will provide information about current best practices in OT, and CYSIS co-chair Theresa Carroll will provide a brief summary of school-based OT initiatives at the national level. The remaining time will be spent networking with other school based occupational therapy practitioners in small groups. Discussion questions will be provided. The CYSIS co-chairs are interested to learn how IOTA can best serve Indiana school-based OT practitioners. 

At the end of this presentation participants will be able to: 

  • Identify current state and national evidence based practices and trends related to school based OT practice . 
  • Describe the current strengths and areas for growth for school-based OT in Indiana. 
  • Identify at least one strategy for improving or enhancing school-based OT practice. 

A zoom link will be shared with those that register. If you have any questions about this event, contact

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indiana occupational therapy association

Since 1926, the Indiana Occupational Therapy Association has helped occupational therapists develop skills, connect with experts and ultimately provide better care to patients across the state.


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