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Indiana Occupational Therapy Association

Becoming a First Steps/Medicare Provider

  • Wednesday, January 15, 2025 11:41 PM
    Reply # 13450909 on 13234124

    This is a relatively old post but it was recently brought to my attention, so I'm bringing it back to the top with this reply... 

    The original question is more of an agency-level question, particularly where First Steps is concerned, and as a contracted provider, I'm not as familiar with the agency-level procedures to enroll as a First Steps Multidisciplinary Agency, but here's a link from the Indiana FSSA website:

    FSSA: First Steps: Become a First Steps Multidisciplinary Agency

    I'm afraid that as far as Medicaid is concerned, I know even less, but here's a link from Indiana Medicaid for Providers:

    Indiana Medicaid: Providers: Become a Provider

    The original poster has probably graduated and moved on - hope they are finding much success and hope this might help any other providers trying to boost their agency's profile and income/resources

  • Sunday, July 30, 2023 11:56 AM
    Message # 13234124

    Hello OTs!

    I am currently a OT student attending IUSB. I graduate in December and for my level IIA project, I am doing some research on new payer sources for the pediatric outpatient clinic and I wanted to gather some tips on applying to become a First Steps and Medicare (so they can keep some of their longtime patients after they age out of Medicaid coverage) provider. Most of the patients the clinic is serving now are on Medicaid. They are located in Northern IN. 

    What was the process like? How long did it take? Any and ALL tips would be great. I want to try and prepare my fieldwork supervisor before she starts the process. 

    I also welcome any feedback about the experience. 

    Thank you in advance! 

indiana occupational therapy association

Since 1926, the Indiana Occupational Therapy Association has helped occupational therapists develop skills, connect with experts and ultimately provide better care to patients across the state.


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